Back to School
It's sweet to wake in an awesome morning like today and know you don't have to rush for a shower, stuff your shitload of stuffs - lecture notes, labcoat into a bag bursting with a 2.3kg laptop. And drag your feets to the bus stop and head for more brain damage activities taking place in school. Everyday, getting myself up outta the bed becomes an ordeal. It applies to Mum too - for waking me up. =) The thought of it alone releases instant feelings of fatigue... Zzzzz... AgggrhhH! But I guess, I have "acceptably" reverted myself back to a state of being a tertiary robot again after two years. Cause afterall, school was considered fun. I did regretted not staying in hall thou. But the guilt that's filling me right now, is that 10% test that is going to take place this coming tuesdaY. ANd yet, I haven't even touch a single page of my notes yet. Someone there, grab that knife and kill me pls~~~. Sending PoH in a few hours time... Never expected this day to come so fast...

ShawnTay - Just a normal ranting session.
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