Saturday, July 08, 2006

Superman Returns

Watched a flick, Superman Returns on fri with the Burgies. Brandon Routh (Clark Kent, superman!) was indeed well built, and forever that heroic look as expected. This 154 mintues flick sure has its boring scenes, or perhaps I was too tired that I closed my eyes a couple of times. Anyway, the guy that touched me in the show wasn't superman himself, but Richard White, Lois Lane's husband , played by James Marsden. Though he knew that Lois Lane still loves Clark Kent, and Jason was Superman's son, he still loves them wholeheartedly, and managed to save them, with the helo of Superman when they are trapped in a sea, using his human's atrributes and abilities. Overall, the show is too much of a love story then action packed, but still, since its superman, is a must watch film!!!

Went for pratas and teh tariks at River Valley after the show, and walked from Great World to Holland Village for digestion before calling it a day. See, this is how bored it can be when three single men are together. Haha, anyway its a good fri nite well spent.

ShawnTay - LOOK, its a bird! NO, its a plane! NO, ITS SUPERMAN!!!


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