The Game of Clubbing
Jun and I didn't went theButterFactory yesterday cause we were underaged!!! The age limit was 23. So after ditching Hua and group (Jun insisted not to try smuggling in), the two of us went Momo to grab some cheap drinks and watch the match.
After the match, we entered the dancefloor cause the music was real good, and Jun really need to dance to stay sober (oops!). 2 cups of Vodka Orange and a cup of Vodka Ribena really has the minimum effect on me that I danced like a robot... I was never a dancer ok?!
Perhaps staying single for too long, or slowly entering adulthood, I have my attempts on the "Game of Clubbing" yesterday while I 'm still sober with a bareback girl, the ba ba ah lian with good dress sense and the dance dance revolution black top woman. *Laughs* But I was too much of a cowardice to do anything much. Jun was much a better gamer, he can actually differentiate which girls can be gamed with, which ones can't. Nonetheless, it was yet another two person clubbing session I enjoyed. And I saw Jasmine with some Angmohs. *cheeky smile* Anyway the "Game of Clubbing" will stopped once the lights are on, whereby everyone came back to life and faced reality, whereby everything went back to norm and things remains the same, so that's no point either... =)
We walked to MOS entrance to "smell" the presence of Hua, Ting and Jamie thereafter, before having a 20 mins draggy and tiring walk from Roberson Quay to River Valley Road at Great World for some pratas and teh tariks. I have some abrasions in the process. And the most classic part was I spilled a cup of teh tarik onto a malay guy's botak head and his gf's body, concentrated on her top, at the breasts area. She was wearing white -_-" . Jun had a great laugh while I was damn embrassed la! We had a great laugh in the cabbie, whereby I got a feeling that the taxi driver thought we were some manic-disordered patients... I ended the day at 5am, sleeping soundly on my comfy bed and Miss BoBo (my bolster)...
ShawnTay - I'm happy these days. I hope it will last.
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