Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Trial and That Dream

The trial is concluded..
I'm serving my extra(s) next month.
11st (sat), 19th (sun) and 25th (sat).
Anyone who asks me out these days...
Be prepared to receive a knock on your head!!!

Sidetrack back to this afternoon.
I got a real bad dream. A real bad one.
Myraids of events happened.
It's scary...
To an extent that I smsed MeiHua once I woke up.

Dreamt bout her. About her getting pregnant.

And I saw her husband.
So handsome, but treated her with no respect.
But yet she's so in love with him.
I cried and cried.

Then the guy keep beating her up.
But yet, to her, this is happiness.
I cried and cried.

Next I dreamt about uni application (I can't see the link).
Someone with GPA 3.0 got in,
But they rejected me at 3.608.
I cried and cried.

Then I saw her again.
With the child (I don't know why this scene)
Running away from me.
I cried and cried.

I went backpacked (daydreaming bout this b4).
Leaving away the sorrow and misery.
On the mountain top of Sydney. The blue one.
I cried and cried.

Perhaps is wrong of me to dream all these...
But I can't control it.
I would never want these to happen too.
And hope it will never happen.

Just sms-chatted with Hua.
Told Hua that I would forget the girl if she got herself a good man.
But I would get more heartbroken if she found the him.
Contradicting thoughts, yeah?

Cried on the way home in the car,
My mum asked why...
I said my eyes are quite dried.
(My heart had dried).

Please god,

Blessed her with happiness;
Blessed her with someone that she loves;
Blessed her with someone that loves her back;
Blessed her with my life.

Blessed me with luck;
Blessed me with the chance to get into the uni;
Blessed me with the answer to my future;
Blessed me to have enough power to get Hua over him too.

Shawn Tay - An emotional night...


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