Sunday, December 25, 2005

PeAcEfuL cHrIsTmAs

Have a peaceful Christmas, lots of unexpected events comprised it all. Wasn't sad, but somehow disappointed bah... Perhaps I expected more of it la, but the spirit is still there though... =) So my Christmas still rawks, alrite?!

First of all, as planned, I went for a buffet feast with Hua and guys... Enjoyed it, and I got a Addidas perfume from Paul during the exchange... None of us bought camera to take down the celebration as my brother took mine for his celebration... *sianz*

But shortly thereafter, Hua said we were be meeting Darren and guys... *delighted* As we joined the group, Irene and HongKiat left us for sec school friends X'mas gathering... Was quite upset about it... *sad*

Darren and guys went for chilling out at Lash... When reached, Hua left us for good as she still haven't packed her bag for Taiwan and the other guys, Kris, KokGuan and Paul doesn't want to join the group as they found them unfamiliar... Darren's group comprised of all sec friends except Alo, SL and WF... So the four of us sat on another table and spent the last minute of Christmas Eve with a cup Cranberry Rum, Tequila Sprite and Kilnenny Beer... *peaceful*

As I called Ivy to send my greetings, it happened so that they are at Raffles Place TCC, so we, the four gay buddies, decided to give them a visit.. Was surprised to see them all... Evelyn, Ivy, ChienChi, XiuHua, CiJi, KumSiong, Shihui and Daniel... Sat and chat with them for awhile before heading to Bugis for supper... Have a nice long chat with Eve, Kris and ChienChi at the coffeeshop before going home with KokGuan...

So my Christmas was spent unexpectedly... HaiZ... May New Year Eve turned out to be flawless... *hopeful* Only managed to take down photos at the last event with Eve's and guys only... =)

Getting Ready for X'mas...


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