Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sunday In Camp

Friday was rather hectic, or even hazardous as the bengish infantry men came in... Most of them aged between 16 to 18, which are bloody hell so young... And 6 out of 10 of them have tattoos on their bodies... But not for long, regardless of blonde, green, red, or whatever colour hairstyle, they ended up all looking the same with that recruit's hairstyle! BOTAK! LOL! And out of the 98 who supposed to turn up, only 78 did... Which meant that more then 20 of them had AWOLed (absence without leave)!

I spent my saturday all the way sleeping on my bed... And only went for a short lunch with Mum and Dad at Chinatown in the afternoon... And Sunday, I'm back in camp!!! HaiZ... But anyway got to thank Mum and Dad for driving me here this morning... I just couldn't wake up on time!

Right back in camp, had been busy with work again... And my office commander has decided to put me in charge of a BBQ at East Coast! WTF! Freaking lots of Sai Kang to do again!

Shawn - Waiting for the next book out...


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