Wednesday, September 21, 2005

1 Year and 3 Months more...

Some photo updates of Ivy's birthday Celebration (last sat)...

Today marks the day I served the nation for eleven months. It wasn't short, nor was it long. It was in the midway. Myraids of events have happened these months, assorted feelings experienced...

BMTC, STC, 1SIR... Tekong, Sembawang, Mandai Hill... All those familiar camp names and road names... All those fiery or friendly officers and sergeants... I've seen them through... The good ones became friends... Well, the bad ones remains as acquaintances... Sad to say, most all of those in my current camp are still acquaintances...

Through these months, I learned how to appreciate things... Family and friends, they became essentials and pillars in supporting me through...

And now, I'm halfway through it...

Soon, by the blinking of an eye...

E day will arrives....

Shawn Tay - Closing his eyes...


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