Saturday, August 13, 2005

Small Gatherings, Happy Moments

I saw them... Not all turned up, but enough for me to smile for the day... A nice short friday gathering... AND a pleasurable high tea session today...

Working 16 hours per day, for a week of four days (minus National Day), I was totally exhausted... But thinking of visiting Kuai Lan with the rest, motivated me to finish up the workload...

I left the camp early on friday... Being a prima donna, I took a cab home, had a quick shower before taking a forty winks... I got to replenish my energy bar for the night...

At 1930, I took a bus to Habour Front, followed by NE train to Potong Pasir... The whole journey took me one and a half hour!! I was the last to arrive... Immediately, I joined them for the the feast and added comments to the conversation... When guys got together, kinky stuffs and sex jokes became essentials for the night... Hee

Among them all, though all are equally important, Eugene and I shared an affinity... Maybe because we are both CQs of infantry units... Maybe becoz, we sat beside one another during classes in STC... Or maybe simply becoz we got many things in common, we share secrets... Secrets about life, about love and friends... I'm amazed by how he can stay his happy go lucky self, though deep inside his heart, is filled with agony and sorrow, caused by that special someone who hurted him so much... I hope he can forget her soon... As for me, I'm enjoying "singlehood" (Polytechnic time's state of mind: Don't get tied down! Seek a life!" )... Hee, wish him luck... I believed he can make it...

Today was another interesting outing wih WeiHao, Junyu and GuoLiang... We went for lunch at Thai Express, Holland Village... Followed by a chill out session at Coffee Club Express... It was a lovely afternoon, with a happy sun soaring up high... We did our usual updates about our lives... About army, studies, family, friends... WeiHao was tired with Uni life, while the three of us were envied, wishing to go back to studies... It was a short but happy gathering...


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