Sunday, July 17, 2005

My Folks

I took a clear look at my parents as they walked nearer and nearer to me... Hand in hand... They are still deeply in love... They had went through alot, and the wrinkles on their foreheads have proven it... Indeed, they have aged...

My sudden thought was, "Gosh! I don't want to lose them!" Haha, I know I sounded silly... But I really wish that they will be in the pink of their health as they enjoy their retirement years... They are getting cuter as the black hairs started to turn white on Daddy's head, while Mummy kept asking me to pluck hers away... =)

Back home, I took out the old photo albums kept well in a black cupboard located at the living room... My mind wondered as I flipped through the old photos... I saw myself in childhood years, brother with his big thick specs, sister in her "out of fashion" dresses, as well as mum as she turned from a maiden to an auntie (opps!)... But I seldom saw dad... The number of times he appeared in the photographs were like 1 in every 30?!

I asked him, "Dad, you don't love phototaking sessions, do you?"... He gave a great smile as he replied,"Of course not! I do love posting in front of a camera, but I prefer taking photos of u people in happy moments! That's what a Daddy does!" =) I know my old man is a mushy one, but I'm usually touched by what he said (not forgetting to mention e goosebumps which are popping out!), this time round is not exceptional...

I will definetely want to become a daddy like mine one day! Love my wife and dote my children... Buy nice snacks for my children after work... Help my wife to clean the house daily... Play soccer with the boys, and dolls with the girls... And of course, take nice photos of them all... =) Haha, this is going to be too far ahead... I probably will take another ten or fifteen more years for this to happen... As for now, I'm going to take over my dad's job as the "photographer" and enjoy capturing happy moments of my folks... I'm going to take as many photos of them as possible...


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