Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day!

Childhood Memories with Daddy

29th Dec 1984,
Daddy was worried!
His little son was born prematurely,
4 days right after Christmas!

When I was 2,
Daddy was a career minded man!
He came home late always,
But with goodies and toys!

When I turned 4,
Daddy was a freaking monster!
He shouted at Mummy,
But hugged me to sleep at night!

When I became 6,
Daddy was a sportsman!
He ran around the house whacking bro on his butt,
But still told me bedtime stories before sleep!

When I reached 8,
Daddy was a sprinter!
He chased my sister's boyfriends with a broom,
But secretly told my mum that their only daughter have grown up!

When I arrived at 10,
Daddy was Shiva, the destroyer!
He threw objects when things get out of hand,
And we got to replace them with plastic ones!

12, at the end of my childhood,
Daddy had strands of grey hairs!
He turned his attention on me,
As Brother and Sister became adults!

Turning 21 in months to come,
The career minded man get ready for his retirement;
The tempermental husband recieve nags back from his woman;
The strong father no longer used power;
The new father-in-law loves his role;
Shiva became a male angel;
Daddy's grey hairs became white!

From 34 years old, he became 55,
But still remain as the doting Daddy I love for years...

Shawn Tay


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